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NGO sector
In 2009 NGOs remained active in their efforts to mobilize their constituencies, engage in policy dialogue, monitor and evaluate government effectiveness, and improve service delivery in communities. Government and NGO figures for the exact number of registered NGOs vary from 2,600 to 3,220. Most sources agree that only 70– 80 percent of registered NGOs are active. The majority of NGOs are still dependent on funding from international donors, although many are making serious attempts to diversify their sources of funding.
The Council on State Support to NGOs (the State NGO Council) is demonstrating a strong willingness to cooperate with foreign organizations on adopting international best practices, and receives substantial technical assistance from various donors. In the first two years of its activity the council allocated a total of $4 million in grant assistance to 430 NGOs on a competitive basis.NGO experts are frequently invited to debates on legislation and issues of concern to society. NGOs demonstrated their capacity for influencing the legislative process. A group of active NGOs created the Civil Society Defense Committee when parliament was preparing to vote on a series of controversial amendments to the NGO Law. As a result of their efforts, the final version of the NGO Law represented a significant improvement over the initial draft.
NGOs demonstrated improved skills in building coalitions to respond to the changing needs of their communities. Advocacy coalitions successfully worked on a number of important issues. A coalition led by the Citizen Labor Rights Protection League began an advocacy campaign designed to improve the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for Combating Corruption.
The law allows NGOs and coalitions to work on legislative initiatives and present them to parliament through MPs or by collecting 40,000 signatures; NGOs may present proposals or recommendations directly to parliament. The Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) presented policy recommendations on the tax system, which parliament approved in June. CESD experts drafted an anti-financial crisis concept and proposed it to the government. Some ministries have already applied policy recommendations from the concept paper.

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